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Research Evidence

In the beginning I was often asked about the research data for the Behavioural Reading™ program.

If you know Philip Gruhl's story, you will know that he is a qualified teacher who has been running a reading clinic in QLD for over 14 years.

So, with the understanding that Philip is only exposed to 'struggling' students, and seeing the 'miracle' of Philip helping my son to read in front of my eyes, I didn't feel I needed research data to know that these techniques are highly effective.

It is however, understandably for some organisations, important to review the data behind a new process, system, program or technology before implementing and spending a lot of cash.

Philip's clinic data shows a very high rate of effectiveness (98%), although it is mixed with the data of the speech pathologists so it is not relevant for Behavioural Reading™ alone.

Until we undertake the required large and lengthy project that provides us with research data, the market is going to have to do with evidence based data. I'm not waiting for the research data to get these techniques to the teachers. There are too many students struggling now that we know we can help.

We currently have primary and secondary schools implementing the techniques through differing strategies and performing GORT testing to enable us to provide some results to the public.

As soon as we have some data we will be publishing it once it has been compiled. So stay tuned.

In the meantime, I can walk into a school, talk to the administration and teachers about the techniques and bring them on board there and then. That is the power of Behavioural Reading™. It makes sense, is highly effective, simple to implement and blends with the curriculum as a pedagogy.

On another note, while these techniques are neurologically based, they should in no way be compared to neurological programs that promote repetitive exercises with technology. Behavioural Reading™ techniques are not technology based and are individually directed to the students in an intervention setting where required.

Behavioural Reading™ techniques are being assessed (via GORT) on speed, accuracy, fluency and comprehension, not on the changes in the neurology of the brain.

In the meantime, we encourage you to sign up for an individual subscription, learn the techniques and start using them. Your fluency, comprehension, speed, visual accruacy and working memory management issues will be resolved and you will never teach reading the same old way again.

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